Challenging Season for Various Crops – The Vegetable Farmer – Andy Richardson
"One of the most challenging onion growing years in my 30-year career..." ...
Welcome to the
Founded in 1982, we offer independent advice to growers and packers on all aspects of Bulb Onion and Brassica production and storage.
As well as providing top quality in-field agronomy advice, the Allium & Brassica Centre also offer strategic and practical advice on store construction and design a range of controllers to manage all aspects of the in-store environment.
Bespoke agronomy services to bulb onion and brassica growers based on the very latest trials insights…
Specifically tailored trials to ensure our advice keeps matching the evolving needs of growers…
The very best strategic and practical advice on store construction and design…
"One of the most challenging onion growing years in my 30-year career..." ...
A change in approval conditions for fungicide seed treatments containing metalaxyl-M will leave a range of drilled field vegetables ...
Allium & Brassica Centre
Wash Road
PE20 1QQ
United Kingdom (UK)
Phone: 01205 723414
Email: andy@abcentre.co.uk
We're here to help and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you...
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