Free your data with Omnia Access
Discover Omnia’s FREE service offering customised farm mapping and local weather data: Omnia Access
Nutrient Planning with Omnia
Omnia Field Manager offers an integrated approach without precision technology, together with a complete set of reports including cropping plans, soil analysis, nutrient and fertiliser requirements.
Omnia Business Manager offers an unrivalled level of agronomic accuracy. Analysis of information from a variety of sources, allowing intelligent and informed decisions for a whole range of variable input applications at sub-field level.
Soil Scanning and Mapping with TerraMap
TerraMap produces the highest resolution soil mapping layers in the world at over 800 data reference points per hectare.
The in-field process of collecting the data is carried out in two very simple steps; scanning and collecting reference soil samples.
The raw scan, soil data and soil samples are then combined and processed to produce up to 28 high-definition soil property layers.
Learn more HERE
The technology behind TerraMap is now able to map Carbon, making TerraMap Carbon the first ever carbon mapping service to provide the most accurate baseline measurement of both organic and active carbon in the soil – TerraMap Carbon is revolutionising carbon mapping.
Learn more HERE
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