Variability challenge as T0 approaches
With winter wheat at a wide range of growth stages coming out of winter, extra care will be needed to...
Farmacy plc was formed in 1999 and successfully provides independent agronomy, environmental, precision and nutritional services to UK growers.
Chris Hoskins explains how Omnia can help growers to tailor the nitrogen input to the demands of the crop at a particular point of time in the growing season, together with insights from Andy Bason of Newhouse Farm and Jim Liddiard of Blackwood Farming Company...
Omnia Precision Agronomy can increase yields by an average of 0.6t/ha, worth £99/ha (based on wheat at £165/t)
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With winter wheat at a wide range of growth stages coming out of winter, extra care will be needed to...
See how your local Hutchinsons agronomy team are testing new varieties, technologies, or management practices in your local conditions ...
“It is essential that our industry plans for the future and enables the technical knowledge and experience of today to be transferred to the next generation. Our investment in recruitment and training demonstrates our absolute commitment to this process.”
Mike Young, Farmacy Plc Chairman
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